Thursday, May 31, 2012

jacobs compostite

this project was to put together a compostion to create something un realistic such as a dreamlike scene or swap faces of a celebrity and someone else. I created a photo of swirls of color coming out of jenny's ear cause it looks like those are all her thoughts.

Friday, May 25, 2012

out of proportion

This is my out of proportion compostion. I made it on photoshop using a bblown up picture of a pig pasted on to the background of a farm along with a cut out of another picture of someone who would be "scared" by the giant pig. Out of proportion is pretty much done by either blowing up or drastically shrinking an object and putting it next to something related so it can be shown in comparison.

Monday, May 21, 2012


This is the poster I created. It is advertisting for a Taylor Swift concert. I chose it because I like her music and I also figured it would look cool to do a stamp of her all over the poster, and it did.


Scanography is basically the art of creating images by scanning objects/pictures with a scanner.These are my three scanned photos. one was a still photo, one was moving (done by shifting position of object while the light was scanning) and one was of a few random objects. Aftfer, I edited them in Camera RAW to bring out the colors etc.


These are three of the images I shot for the "hands at work" assignment. The first one I made cool, the middle one I added a graident to, and the last I turned warm.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Photo Aging

Photo aging is the process of making a recent photograph appear old and worn. I aged my photo using several techniques such as desaturation, adding a yellow-y layer on top and adding a "frame". It makes it look much older.

Friday, May 11, 2012

skin softening

Above are my skin softening photos.
The first one is the example one I edited. Then, there is a before and after of one I did on one of my own photos. They are done by duplicating the layer, changing it to an overlay mode. Then you add a highpass, invert it, change the opacity and go back in with a layer mask to un-fade details such as the eyes.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

David Hockney project

This is my version of a David Hockney photo. What he did was take a bunch of different little pictures and put them together to make one big one. I did the opposite and took one big picture and then used photoshop to make it look like a bunch of little pictures put together. :)

Monday, May 7, 2012


For our portraits project, we were supposed to take at least 30 shots of someone. I did my mom. After, we were supposed to chose four. One would be edited in camera raw (1st picture) one would be turned into a stamp (the second two pictures--one is when i created it, the other is using it on a new background), one would be turned into a sketch (second to last) and finally one would be "cross-processed".

Friday, May 4, 2012


This is my reflection that I created using photoshop. It is a little girl looking at herself in a puddle. I did this by duplicating a later, flipping it and then bringing the opacity down.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

carter's mountain color correction

Above are two images from carter Mountain that I color corrected in photoshop. I did this by determining the darkest shadow, lightest point, and a grey area. Then, by adjusting the color curves accurately.

Monday, April 30, 2012

carter mountain edits

These are three of the photos I took at Carter Mountain, the first one I changed the color filter for, the second is a faux advertisement for their company and the last I converted to black and white.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Dafont is the art of blending a font to look as if it it is part of a picture and so that it descirbes/fits with the word and image that it makes. I used a font called wet arial and used a picture with a water background. My word was summer time and i used a gradient on top of the font so that it blended in wwith the picture.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

favorite photographer

For this project I put together a little slideshow/video with my favorite pictures from a photographer of my choice. I chose the photographer I chose because I love the vivid colors he captures in every photo. To create this, I used Windows Live Movie Maker.

Friday, April 20, 2012


Above are my two images for the lights project. We learned a new tool for this project called "paths". The first image is the tutorial and the second is my choice.

Monday, April 16, 2012


My artist was Allan Mietla, my image replicates his in the way that we both used various different small images put together to create one big image. :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Above are my five edited shape pictures I edited in camera raw as well as my shape project. Mostly I found circular shapes it seemed, but it was alot harder to find shapes than I had expected.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Typography is" the art of modyifiying and arranging type and type design".I created a little ocean scene with two fishes in love and there are waves about them from the water and the sun is in the sky :) I used letters such as d, c, o,v,and l.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Visual Puns

A visual pun is an image created through photoshop that is intended to be a play on words. for intense "handprint" would be portrayed as words (print) layered all over a hand. My three puns were handprint, cowgirl, and popstar :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Jumping off the page!

This image was a water faucet and i layered it over a blue background which i blended in with the color replacement tool and put that on top of a picture of water droplets. finally i added  a shadow behind my faucet to give it an extra pop.

Macro photos

The macro setting on my camera allows me to capture details on close up shots, and then by sharpening the photos, I enhanced those details even further.

downtown mall!

These are my downtown mall pictures, five edits,  my differences, and two photos one from each theather. In the edits I transformed the picture by changing things such as the color contrast, saturation, and whiteness.