Monday, February 27, 2012

change my look/change my partners look

These are my change my look/ change my partners look compostitions. It was out first in class shooting assignment. We went outside to the courtyard and shot pictures of one another in serveral different poses/postions. Then we changed the backgrounds, hair color, eye color and added three different things to the photo.

Friday, February 17, 2012


For this, I downloaded a photo off the internet of a celebrity and used photoshop to change her hair and eye color. Some of the tools I used were selection, copy and paste, paintbrush, and blending layers using the "soft light" option.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

montage :)

For this assignment, I made a montage using eight different images, including a layer of text. I combined &resized them to mimic an image I was modeling this after. Once I was done with all that, I added some layer adjustments to a few of the images to give them special effects such as an outer glow, like on the text.

Monday, February 13, 2012


I made this image by choosing & images and layering them on top of each other using the layer mask tool. I chose a landscape, a tree, a skyline and then three other images of my choice. (i used four, actually.)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Layer Adjustments :)

For this photo, all I did was increase the brightness and contrast.
In this image, I adjusted the color curves.

I adjusted the hue and saturation of this photo to enhance to coloring of the sky.

I increased the vibrancy on the image to bring out the red in the rose.

I adjusted the color curves and also the viberance on this photo.

I saturated this image and added more vibrance as well.

With this image, I applied the warming filter. (before, the color was a dark green/blue mix and I changed it to this red)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Crazy Combos!!

This is my finished "crazy combo" which was a mix of several different objects/animals to create a final product consisting of eight layers, each named and labeled. To create "Puppalina" I used  the marquee, lasso, magic wand, color replacement, resizing,the eraser, moving, copy and pasting.

All about me :)

In this peoject, I put together a college describing me using at least ten photographs found on google. Some of the tools I used to put this together were the text tool, marquee, the quick selector, magic wand, and paint bucket.


This is my completed product from the peppers project. I got the peppers on to my choosen cutting board background by selecting, pasting and resizing them indivdually afterwards.