Thursday, March 29, 2012

Visual Puns

A visual pun is an image created through photoshop that is intended to be a play on words. for intense "handprint" would be portrayed as words (print) layered all over a hand. My three puns were handprint, cowgirl, and popstar :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Jumping off the page!

This image was a water faucet and i layered it over a blue background which i blended in with the color replacement tool and put that on top of a picture of water droplets. finally i added  a shadow behind my faucet to give it an extra pop.

Macro photos

The macro setting on my camera allows me to capture details on close up shots, and then by sharpening the photos, I enhanced those details even further.

downtown mall!

These are my downtown mall pictures, five edits,  my differences, and two photos one from each theather. In the edits I transformed the picture by changing things such as the color contrast, saturation, and whiteness.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Rule of thirds :)

Here are somne of the pictures I took for my rule of thirds assignment. It wasn't that hard to do, mostly I just took pictures of family and things around/nearby my house. Some of the categories are lanscape, people, lines, nature and repetition. After I edited them on Camera Raw.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

kaleidescope! :)

Above are a few kaleidscope pictures I created along with their original photos. I turned them into kaleidscopes using several steps of selecting parts of the image and then fliping it around horizontally or vertically.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Above are three of my favorite popart images I found on the internet as well as the one I created myself. This assignment we took pictures of people, objects of furntiture, ads, and food products. Pop art is a form of editing and  changing photos with ben day dots and different colors to create a new comic-like looking image.